Top Ticker LATEST NEWS:    • Have you heard? Clover Fabric Tube Makers are back in stock. Have you ordered your's yet?
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An Australian family owned business providing
high quality products for talented creators of
patchwork, crochet, knitting and sewing projects.
  • Books and Patterns to Inspire Catering for All Crafting Passions
  • View the latest ranges of Patchwork Fabrics & Beautiful Batiks
  • Clover: You Want It? We Have It! Minimum order quantity is 1 item.
  • Flip through the latest Clover catalogue through our website
  • Precision is so easy with Creative Grids Rulers!
  • Hang it in that Place of Prominance with the Hang-It, Dang-It Hangers
  • Why go without light? Shine clear, bright light with Mighty Bright portable lights.
  • No Slip really means NO SLIP with Morgan No-Slip Sewing Hoops!
  • Just need a little practice to make it right? Try Skillbuilder to get perfection!
  • Are sore hands stopping you? Thera-Gloves is the answer to ease the pain.
  • Flip through the latest Clover catalogue through our website
  • The new way to care for your delicates.
  • Correct those mistakes faster than every before! Click on the image to see a demo.
  • Fuse batting and fabric together with ease.
  • Quilting Themed Stirling Silver Jewellery
  • Flip through the latest Clover catalogue through our website
  • Paper and Acrylic Piecing Templates

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Ascot Lane Distributors has been servicing the craft market since 1980, proudly supplying to small, independent businesses all over our magnificent country. During that time we have seen countless beautiful projects made from and inspired by our ranges of products. You're sure to find something in our website that you've been looking for. The navagation bar at the top of the page lists our groups of products - if you can't see it, click on Other Products to see more items or Search our website with the Search function to the right. The Ascot Lane Quick Links section provides useful information about Ascot Lane and other items, without being product specific. If you have an account with us, this is where you can become logged into our website to see even more details about our products.

If you have any queries about us or our products, please contact us at Head Office or one of our knowledgeable and friendly agents to discuss how we can help you.

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